Archives Events

GA GOP State Committee Meeting

Georgia Republican Party Headquarters 470 E. Paces Ferry Rd NE., Atlanta, GA, United States

  Members of the Executive Committee: Chairman Shafer has called an in-person meeting of the State Executive Committee on January 15, 2022, at 10:00 AM. The Zoom meeting tomorrow, December 28, 2021, has been canceled. The meeting will be at the Georgia Republican Party Headquarters, 470 E. Paces Ferry Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30305. If […]

Savannah City Council Meeting

Savannah City Hall 2 E Bay St, Savannah, GA, United States

The Savannah City Council meeting will be held at City Hall on the second floor in city council chambers. If you would like to speak on a public hearing item the city requires you to complete a speaker comment card upon arrival. Remote viewing options include SGTV Comcast Channel 8, the city of Savannah YouTube […]

Chatham County Commission Meeting

Chatham County Commission 124 Bull St, Savannah, GA, United States

The Chatham County Commission regularly meets at 9:30 a.m. at 124 Bull St. every other Friday. The agenda for the Jan. 28 meeting is not available to view. The meeting can be viewed online here.

Campaign Meeting for Pete Robyn

Sweet Potatoes Kitchen 531 Stephenson Ave, Savannah, GA, United States

Join Pete and others for a short biz mtg about his campaign for school board president. Then dinner & conversation All are welcome who share our Christian American values God bless! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🇺🇸

Chatham County Republican Party County Committee Meeting

Greek Orthodox Church 14 W Anderson St, Savannah, GA

The Chatham County Republican Party County Committee meeting will be MONDAY JANUARY 31st at the Greek Orthodox Church. The meeting will begin at 5:30 pm with District Chairman and Precinct Development training, with the County Committee meeting to begin at 6:30 pm. If you are a District or Precinct Chairman PLEASE plan to be there at the 5:30 pm […]