We are nothing without you!
Join the conservative community in your District and take charge of the conversation with your Republican representatives.
Right now, our representatives tell us what they will and won’t do. Let’s make it clear who is in charge. SEGRA will provide you everything you need to turn this relationship upside down.
Georgia’s No Good, Very Bad Bills
During the legislative session, we will keep you informed about Georgia’s no good, very bad bills: why they are bad, who introduced them; who co-sponsored them; and who voted for them. We will sponsor postcard campaigns to let our representatives know how we feel. Angry constituents are not a politician’s favorite.
Voter’s Guide
Then during the election seasons (both primaries and general elections), we will provide a Voters’ Guide, so you can clearly see who subscribes to and fights for conservative values and …..who doesn’t. We will let our representatives know that we know what they are doing – or not doing – and we plan to publish their record and to spread that record throughout their voting district.
Sign Up to Get Alerts
We’ll tell you when important information has been posted to our website so you can get the inside scoop on your elected officials, including where they stand on Georgia’s no-good very, bad bills.
Pass it on!
No more cold calls! We are building these conservative communities by word of mouth – trusted friend to trusted friend.
Tell at least five of your conservative friends about us. Ask them to join the community in their district. Then ask them to call five of their friends and so on pyramid style.
The goal is to reach every conservative in each Chatham County district.
Thank you!
President, Southeast Georgia Republican Assembly