SEGRA Monthly Meeting
Southbridge Savannah Golf Club 415 Southbridge Blvd, Savannah, GAOur SEGRA monthly meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month. Social time starts at 6:15, the meeting starts promptly at 7:00 pm and ends promptly at 8:30 pm.
Meet & Greet with John Barge Candidate for State Superintendent of Education
Come out and meet John Barge, candidate for State Superintendent of Education March 10th at 6 pm, at Starland Yard, 2411 DeSoto Way Savannah, GA Check out his website here
Meet & Greet Latham Saddler U.S. Senate Candidate
Please Join Dr. David Oliver, Dr. Gabe Pitt, and Glenn Soldan for a meet & greet with U.S. Senate Candidate Latham Saddler. This event will be held at Forrest City Gun Club (9203 Ferguson Ave Savannah, GA) on March 10th from 6 pm-8 pm. RSVP to Anna Caroline Soldan at
Filing Deadline for Qualifying in Georgia
The filing deadline is March 11, 2022. The senate election will fill the Class III Senate seat held by Raphael Warnock (D), who first took office in 2021. The two Senate elections held in Georgia in 2020—with runoffs taking place in January 2021—were both decided by 2 percentage points or fewer. Joe Biden (D) defeated […]
Meet & Greet Latham Saddler U.S. Senate Candidate
Please join our hosts Tyler Merritt& Nine Line, Tommy & Sarah Branch, Chad & Bless Dollander, and Michael Gay for a meet & greet with U.S. Senate Candidate Latham Saddler. This event will be held at Nine Line 450 Fort Argyle Road, Savannah, GA 51419. Please RSVP at: with the Nine Line in the […]
Chatham County Republican Party March Breakfast!
Carey Hilliard's Abercorn 11111 Abercorn St, Savannah, GA, United StatesJoin the Chatham County Republican Party for our March Breakfast Meeting on Saturday, March 12th at Carey Hilliard's. We will be joined by special guests Sen. David Perdue, candidate for Governor, and TJ Hudson who is a candidate for Georgia Secretary of State. Tickets are $18 with pre-registration and $25 the day of the breakfast. […]
Whose Children Are they?
Don't forget to go check out WHOSE CHILDREN ARE THEY documentary playing in Savannah at 7pm at AMC Savannah 11. Tickets are limited! Purchase your tickets here
SEGRA Monthly Meeting
Southbridge Savannah Golf Club 415 Southbridge Blvd, Savannah, GAOur SEGRA monthly meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month. Social time starts at 6:15, the meeting starts promptly at 7:00 pm and ends promptly at 8:30 pm.
Savannah Chatham County School Board Forum
Armstrong Center Auditorium 13040 Abercorn St., Savannah, GAFeaturing Candidates for School Board President and Districts 5, 6, & 8 April 12, 2022 @ 7pm Armstrong Center Auditorium 13040 Abercorn St. Savannah, GA 31419
Monthly School Board Meeting
Monthly School Board Meetings are held at 2pm at the Whitney Administrative Complex (2 Laura Avenue). For meetings beginning at 2:00 PM, Informal Sessions will be held at 11:00 AM, and Executive Sessions will be scheduled for 12:30 PM.
Meet The Trump Endorsed Candidates
Join us to meet the Trump-endorsed Candidates for Attorney General John Gordan and candidate for insurance commissioner Patrick Witt. @9AM Isle of Hope Baptist Social Hall 22 Rose Ave. Savannah, GA 31406
SEGRA Monthly Meeting
Southbridge Savannah Golf Club 415 Southbridge Blvd, Savannah, GAOur SEGRA monthly meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month. Social time starts at 6:15, the meeting starts promptly at 7:00 pm and ends promptly at 8:30 pm