Savannah-Chatham County Board of Education
Whitney Administrative Complex 2 Laura Avenue, Savannah, United StatesThe Savannah-Chatham County Board of Education holds its regular monthly meeting at 2 p.m. The agenda for the Feb. 2 meeting is not available to view. Meetings can be viewed live on the school board’s YouTube page.
Savannah Area Republican Women
Savannah Golf Club 1661 East President Street, Savannah, GA, United StatesReservations are REQUIRED for the Wednesday, February 2, 2022meeting by Monday, January 24, 2022. Members are encouraged to bring guests. Please indicate if you will be bringing a guest when you make your reservation. Men are encouraged to join as associate members and are welcome to attend our lunches. To make a reservation Leave a […]
SEGRA Monthly Meeting
Southbridge Savannah Golf Club 415 Southbridge Blvd, Savannah, GAOur SEGRA monthly meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month. Social time starts at 6:15, the meeting starts promptly at 7:00 pm and ends promptly at 8:30 pm
Meet and Greet Event
River Room, by Coastal Kitchen 102 Marina Drive, Saint Simons Island, GA, United StatesWe the People of SE Georgia invite American Patriots to Meet and Greet "Constitutionalist" Candidates Special Guest Speakers: Former US Senator David Perdue Running for Georgia Governor Senator Burt Jones Running for Georgia Lt. Governor Former House Rep. Jeff Jones Running for Georgia Senate Invocation delivered by 1st Congressional District Chair and Former Georgia Senator, Clint Day […]
Chatham County Conservative Coalition (4Cs) Meeting
The Chatham County Conservative Coalition (4Cs) meets on the first Monday of each month at 5:30pm
SEGRA Exec Committee Meeting
Planning meeting for SEGRA Executive Committee
Chatham County Republican Party February Breakfast!
Carey Hilliard's Abercorn 11111 Abercorn St, Savannah, GA, United StatesWe will be meeting THIS Saturday, February 12th, at Carey Hilliard's on Abercorn Street for our first monthly breakfast of the New Year. Doors will open at 8:00 am, and the program will start at 8:30 am. We are excited to welcome John Barge (candidate for State School Board Superintendent) and Jonathan Garcia (candidate for Governor) as our guest speakers for […]
Chatham County Board of Elections Meeting
Zoom Virtual MeetingThe Chatham County Board of Elections meets at 3:30 p.m. on the second Monday of the month. All Board Meetings via Zoom can be accessed at using the meeting ID: 655 527 1923 The agenda for the Feb. 14 meeting is not available to view.
Scott Presler February 22, 2022
Carey Hilliard's Abercorn 11111 Abercorn St, Savannah, GA, United StatesSavannah District 2 Republicans at Carey Hilliard's Grassroots training Get Out The Vote Candidate Recruitment Election Integrity Register at this Link Get out the vote District 2 QR
Savannah Area Young Republicans Happy Hour!
The Rail Pub 405 W Congress St #2410, Savannah, GeorgiaLaissez Les Bons Temps Rouler Fellow Young Republicans! Join us for our February Happy Hour as we get into the Mardi Gras spirit! We will be joined by special guest Michael Owens, President of the Savannah Tourism Leadership Council. We will be meeting Monday February 28th at Rail Pub, with the social starting at 5:30pm and our presentation starting at 6:00pm. […]
Savannah Area Republican Women-Helen Stone
Carey Hilliard's Abercorn 11111 Abercorn St, Savannah, GA, United StatesJoin us the first Wednesday of every month. For our March luncheon, Helen Stone will be our speaker. Reservations are REQUIRED on the Monday prior to each meeting. Members are encouraged to bring guests. Please indicate if you will be bringing a guest when you make your reservation. Men are encouraged to join as associate members […]
Monthly School Board Meeting
Monthly School Board Meetings are held at 2pm at the Whitney Administrative Complex (2 Laura Avenue). For meetings beginning at 2:00 PM, Informal Sessions will be held at 11:00 AM, and Executive Sessions will be scheduled for 12:30 PM.